Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today I want to rant and rave about why bugs bunny is always getting out of being killed by Elmer Fudd and getting Daffy Duck to be shot. I think that Bugs Bunny may be slightly rascist or at least his creator is. They play Daffy Duck up to be pretty stupid(and Daffy Duck is a black duck) but anyway like I was saying, Bugs Bunny is always playing up Daffy's stupidity. For Example I'l sure that you all have seen the countless episodes where Elmer Fudd is "HUnting wabbits". You will all notice that Bugs Bunny to take the opportunity to poison Elmer Fudd against the Duck. Then Daffy and Bugs will get into the argument over "Rabbit season" "Duck season" "Rabbit season" "Duck season" Rabbit Season" Rabbit Season" "Duck seaon Fire!" Why Daffy can't seem to realize that this is going to happen astounds me. What really puts it over the edge is when Daffy realizes what happened and re-does the whole scenario and STILL gets it wrong. Maybe one day he'll learn.

(I do actually realize that bugs Bunny and his creator are not rascist pigs. I just felt like putting a little spin on something that i always got extremely frustrated with growing up and watshing this show.)

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